New to me EV has built-in GPS and navigation system. Android phone in car has GPS, and google map navigation routing system. Phone cannot access car GPS, to avoid duplication of effort. Car navigation map data might be aging, no updates without manual effort. Google maps keep personal placemarks, intentional or not.
Create a list of nearby charging stations with ratings, cost, owner/operator.
- Just use Google
- Use Google as little as possible (on an Android phone with GPS switched on)
For Option 2 I got 2 suggestions:
- - OSMand
- - @jspath55 Tried `Organic Maps`? @organicmaps
- Uses OpenStreetMaps: https://organicmaps.app/
I could not get Organic Maps to do Android Auto, so OSMand was left to try.
https://osmand.net/docs/technical/osmand-file-formats/osmand-kml/ shows the general path I took using Google Earth and QGIS as alternate ways to produce a set of points.
Web site said $40US to connect to Android Auto. 3 tiers: free, one-time, subscription. Free version could only load a limited number of "offline" local maps (which has not been my experience so far).
Use Viking and/or QGIS to record my points of interest (charging spots).
- Keep data in PostgreSQL database.
- Edit/view via LibreOffice.
- Export KML from QGIS, import to OSMand.
It has been a (rough) year since I worked on a town map, pulling in layers of county land info. Points and lines in a SQL structured database with QGIS access (R/W). First table create showed up a "non-geo". Icon was a table/sheet instead of dots, lines, or blobby GIS areas.
Second try was no better success than the first.
On the third try, I copied a table definition from an exported table that had geo-goo.
Table "public.chargers"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
station_id | integer | | not null |
address | character varying(40) | | |
zipcode | integer | | |
brand | character varying(40) | | |
vendor_id | integer | | |
grade | character varying(12) | | |
price | double precision | | |
visited | date | | |
updated | date | | |
lat | double precision | | |
lon | double precision | | |
the_geometry | geometry(Point,4326) | | |
kwh | double precision | | |
name | character(40) | | |
note | character(80) | | |
"chargers_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (station_id)
Check constraints:
"chargers_geometry_point_chk" CHECK (st_geometrytype(the_geometry) = 'ST_Point'::text OR the_geometry IS NULL)
Next step: export map layer of points as a KML file.
First import to test on Google Earth showed every location called "noname".
Some data fields peeked through as table-like sheets in Google Earth on a PC, but less structured on a tablet:
Load into OSMand from a network drive, and yes, places show up under my favorites. Added a "name" column to the underlying table fixed the "noname" issue.
Using the OSMand app as a driving map is slightly different than the car map or the Google map. The colors and details are clearer. Startup is more complex, but does work.Oddities:
- Route going through driveways
- Non-connected road shows as "take the left fork"
- Stream flow direction
The above stream shows 2 directions, as if at the top of a hill, or mound (blue arrows on blue dashed line).
Next question(s)
Is location data still going off-device? Will this option change that (limit or redirect)? Seems a lot of on-device processing based on battery drain (or charge slipperiness) and heat.