Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween at the movies
The week, the same first 2 movies are running, and the third movie is new. It's not on my short list, but again, it's a blast to see the big screen, particularly cartoons, trailers, and Three Stooges shorts.
So I'm going tonight, at the reduced admission entry time of 10:30, assuming my energy levels permit me to drive there. I wonder how many people will be dressed up? Looks like a beautiful starry night in store.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A month of a new (but old) dog
The cats aren't quite sure what to make of him. At first they were freaked out, but now they ignore him unless he tries to play with them. He doesn't understand they are not interested and barks at them. Hopefully he won't irritate any of them, as they have both claws and teeth. And vice versa, as I've seen him carry pillows and stuffed animals in his jaws, none too gently.
Pictures are online:
This is one of my faves:
He also figured out it was safe to climb onto the LazyBoy rocker:
I'm starting to teach him a few commands. One that greyhounds don't typically handle well is "sit" as it isn't part of their training regimen for racing. He's very strong, so pushing his back down has been a workout for me.
![]() |
From spath pets |
Oh, and he has a twitter identity - cadillac_dog, earning him 15 followers already (counting me).
Sunday, October 19, 2008
On the train from Dortmund to Frankfurt
"Mein lieber Scholli!"
I got him to say Hi to Kathy (he kept asking about my "housewife") and, upon viewing, he said his hair looked bad.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Breakfast in Dortmund Germany (and lunch, and dinner)
I just learned the train station here is one of the busiest in Germany and I believe it. It seemed more crowded and faster paced than any of the other (5?) stations I've been through.
There was also a lively crowd outside, such as food vendors, flower carts, and more than a few teen-aged citizens in black punk uniforms.
After a tasty dinner last night I was able to get online, joining Craig Cmehil and a few others for a time-lapsed Friday morning report (got the heads up on twitter). Even learned that Gregor had passed through Dormund Friday, as had Craig.
I walked the 'ring' streets going anti-clockwise from Konigswall to Hoher Wall to Hiltropwall to Sudwall to Ostwall, then Schwanenwall and finally on Burgwall to the hotel. Today I plan to explore the ring center with museums and churches and end up outside it in Kreuzviertel.
American hotels take note - this is just part of a Continental breakfast!
(update - lunch and dinner photos)
A turkey kabob omelet:

Salad with fried potatoes and fried eggs, with house red.

Friday, October 17, 2008
Water use in SAP TechEd

There were conflicting water sources.
"Every Picture Tells A Story Don't It?"

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Steve Winwood's Keyboards
Thanks to the anonymous photographer who shot me.
Two more days in Berlin...
Link to Gregor's photo of me trying to whistle.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Drinking water at SAP TechEd EMEA 08
Berlin conference has soda and water coolers. Needless to say, I'm not drinking their water - I filled up my water bottle at the hotel.
The good side of this story is the availability of recycling containers, particularly one as evident as this one.
(Part 2)
Here's a shot in my hotel room, with the 7 Euro water bottle (it's a glass container), and my cheapo plastic reusable one.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
In Germany, on the road to Berlin, day 2
Started in Baden-Baden, where I could have rented a bike. I think

Stopped a "Peace" table after getting off the train and walking around a bit. "NEIN Zum Krieg" says the sticker from
Hiked up a hill. Took this on the way back:

Lunch - some kind of broccoli thing and a coffee to go.
[okay, found this one partly written then abandoned, so turning it loose as is and moving on]
In Germany, on the road to Berlin, day 1
Saw this young lady on my several hour walk through the town of Bühl. Despite the crack in her head she seems to be enjoying the weather(ing). With a plate of cookies.

This statue is near the town center park (Stadigarten). Babelfish suggests "the homeland our victims" for "der heimat unser opfer." But a better translation might be "only the good die young."
Doesn't work(?):
The town had a jazz festival on my trip weekend, so I made an effort to find a little music. The show last night was held in a old school building converted to apartments. The band played some Louis Armstrong and Ray Charles type jazz. It was quite like being home, but for the crowd speaking German. I hung out in the alley, as the admission was 24 Euros, and I was too tired to spend several hours, much as I might have liked.
On the way back to where I'm staying I spotted a battery carcass in the space between the gutter and the cobblestone street. I didn't have my camera for an in situ photo, so here's one after retrieval.

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Packed up for the road and rails
Everything fit into 1 unit, including 2 empty water bottles. We shall see how heavy it gets after the conference check-in is over. I know I don't need another daypack but expect those will be given out.
Sent from my Windows Mobile® phone.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A different kind of router
Not the Cisco kind of router, this one is made at Black & Decker, where I work.
I don't know what the inscription is supposed to say as my email account is down.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
New clue train on track 5

Get it, Clue Train?
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Printer CPR
The ip4200 has the ability to print double-sided without the traditional take-out-and-flip-over style. Not intended for huge volumes, which Kathy seems to generate at times.
The problem was "Error code 6A00" which pops up with 2 choices - turn off/on, or send out for service. The first choice didn't work, and the latter was unpalatable.
Searching the internet showed 2 threads: - "Canon PIXMA MP800 Error 6A00"
and - "canon Pixma ip4000 error - 6A00"
And a photo series:
Both go back 2 years, with plenty of wailing, gnashing of teeth and occasional victory W00Ts.
Our model is the iP4200, but the internal print head and ink handling seem identical to the other stories.
Photo 1 is the location of 2 the 4 tabs I eventually found to remove the top cover. Some folks have managed to repair theirs without doing this (but not me).

After taking it off and putting it back on a few times, I was getting better at it. First, push in the tabs along the back side, prying up that edge of the case. Then, push in each side, pulling upwards on the opening crack shown. I never found an easy way to remove the front edge, so I have no useful advice there.
One poster said to remove the small front corner covers first. I think that's the right way to go, as you will see below.
The next photo shows the inside of the printer. The printhead/ink trolley has been pushed to the far left side. The problem area is on the opposite side from that trolley -- follow down the black ribbed area to 2 small gray rectangles. They are the pads/sponges/wipes that, if not functional, seem to cause the 6A00 error codes. Anything else in the path of that trolley will also cause a fault, from what I've read.
I know that our printer seemed to take longer and longer to start over the weeks and months prior to the startup fault, but there is no helpful early warning diagnostic (like an oil change light).

You probably can't see it very well, but I caused a problem in the right front panel getting the thing off, probably on the first try. Be cautious with that module, as the ribbon cable looks like cellophane tape, and the 2 protruding micro-switches are similarly on the thin side.
The next photo shows the "wiper blade" being depressed. I was getting a mite frustrated at that point, myself, but I pressed on (so to speak). Directly below the ball-point pen, on a slight angle to the left, is a black line. That's ink on the wiper blade. I thought the white dot at the end of that black line was a small piece of paper stuck inside, but that is the actual color of the blade.
I took paper towels moistened with window cleaner (advice from the above lists) and blotted all the ink off the wiper. I also re-positioned the left pad (the pads are between the pen and the spring).

After more re-tries than I'd like to admit, the yellow blinking light with the 6A00 code pop-up window finally went away! Wahoo! ... Almost.
After trying to get a sample page to print, I got a new error pop-up window that said, "Open the paper tray door." Uh-oh. It was open. This led me to realize I had either not reassembled the printer correctly, or more likely, I broke a tab and/or switch disassembling it.
The next photo shows the control panel, with 2 switches circled. The left switch is broken; the right one is whole. I never did find where that tiny piece of plastic toggle went, but its absence was signaling that the barn door was closed.

Here's my fix. After thinking that the switch could be replaced, I realized it's pretty easy to see if the door is open or not, and open it before printing. So I grabbed a piece of wire (left over from my grandfather's days with Western Electric, probably circa 1960), and shorted the switch.

Success, at least for a test print.
The volume test will be Kathy's next writing assignment.
Maybe I can order a micro-switch in the meantime.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Door fixer
I picked up what I thought would fit, but they gave me 2 other door handles, one brass, and one plain black, that would drop into the holes. The old handle just kind of fell apart, with the tongue dropping on the ground one day.
I dragged out a few

The top left shot shows the temporary handle - a short piece of rope.
The other top row shots are the basic tools. I almost got away with just a screwdriver, but the new shaft was larger than the old one, so I drilled out the hole.
The aluminum in door left a few rough edges, so I filed them down.
The middle left picture shows the larger hole, although the metal shards are not visible.
Middle picture is the new handle, not quite tightened down.
Middle right picture shows the new handle in place, though the odd curvature to the door is an artifact of the inadequate cell phone camera lens.
The bottom shot is a bit farther back, so the foreshortening is gone.
SharePoint? - give me a break!
At work we are moving to SharePoint, rather than innumerable other possible enterprise portal and collaboration/knowledge management tools. So I'm trying to learn by doing. Not reading the manual or listening to someone who's been using it for a few weeks linger than I. After all, my software motto is "it should just work."
Here's what the bog editor screen looks like. The HTML link editor is nearly as bad, not allowing you to write plain HTML. Gee, even FrontPage let you pick your own editor (ahem, Emacs on NT).

Size of the above image screen shot of my desktop is 1024x718. Big screen, tiny workspace where I can actually get things done.

Here's the screen shot with the actual working space cropped. This image is an astoundingly tiny 393x220 pixels. I think my phone screen is bigger than that. Who does quality control or user experience on this stuff?
If there's a zoom button, I haven't found it yet. This is like writing wearing handcuffs. I will keep looking for a way to just drop plain text from my Emacs sessions into the repository with the least amount of clicking, zooming, and dragging. Yeeesh, what a drag.