I always look forward to the event with some pride and a bit of trepidation. At times like this I miss my Dad the most, thinking about what he accomplished for the Center, and how happy he was talking about his early work on computer aided learning for the disabled. Each year, a new award winner, as well as the graduates of each curriculum impress me with their attitudes and demeanor.
This year's award recipient is again a model student. Patricia Flint is studying for her GED while facing obstacles of impaired vision and hearing.
Her "DORS" counselor writes: 'Ms. Flint has accomplished far more than "just wanting something to do.: Ms. Flint reminds me that a focused determination and a kind disposition can co-exist quite nicely in the same person.'
It was a great pleasure meeting her, as well as seeing her daughter and grandchildren attend the ceremonies. Despite her vision problems, she said to me "I see you have a beard." How cool is that?
Sadly, my video that should have recorded the introduction of the award was interrupted shortly after after the start when my phone rang. Since I had been warned not to talk on a call under threat of everyone stopping and listening to the conversation, I didn't answer it. If I had known someone would call just then I might have found a way to avert that foul-up, or recorded with another device.
The second video is around 7 minutes. Forgive the hand-held blurriness!

Part 1
Part 2
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