I can't quite see how this will fit. Typing on a little keyboard to post to a blog. While it is qwerty. a number of keys are missing, like tilde, escape and equals sign.
= = = =
The above was all I managed to type on my new Samsung smart phone before I gave up. It will take some getting use to before I could consider myself productive. So many bells and whistles, literally.
The screen shot is from my first experiment with downloaded program - pocketputty. It's running Lynx in an xterm windows over an SSH connection to one my my NetBSD boxes. The program works fine, I guess. I'm still getting familiar with the keys, or lack of, and the pop virtual keys. I learned to work a handspring, so I can get this.
It connects to the internet with ease, in fact, without being asked. I needed to force it to use my home wireless instead of the toll call.
The extended battery lasted most of the work day yesterday, which is a bad sign long term. It doesn't charge while on the USB, and the AC charger uses the same port.
Tethering (using the phone as a modem) worked once, after 40 minutes with work and Verizon support, but after that the USB cable turned into a boat anchor line. Another marathon with the help desk is in the cards today.
No escape key, no tilde, no this that or the other.
But nice colors.
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