The first 3 were several feet apart, at the downhill side of the Middlesex shopping center parking lot, like dinosaur fossils collected at a flooded stream site.

Can you read this?

How about now? Driving at 40 MPH I never even saw the sign, and I defy anyone to know what it says without stopping and walking right up to it, which I happened to do by accident today.
Well, the sign says, to the best of my photo interpretation and typing skills:
= = = =
Chesapeake Park Plaza
Tax Block B
The property located at 2323 Eastern Blvd in Middle River, Maryland has been accepted into Maryland's Voluntary Cleanup Program. A proposed Response Action Plan (RAP) has been submitted to the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) for approval. Concentrations of mercury and lead in soils exceed target cleanup goals and require cleanup. Execution of the RAP will provide for cleanup of areas with these compounds in excess of cleanup goals through excavation and off-site disposal of affected soils. It is projected that the project will require about 1 month to complete. Excavations will then be backfilled with imported clean soil and finished to grade to allow continued use of the area
This RAP is based upon the potential future use of the property for residential purposes.
Participant: Lockheed Martin Corporation
6801 Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD 21817
Contact: Gail Rymer
Eligible Property: Chesapeake Park Plaza, Map 90, Grid 18, Parcel 964, Block B
2323 Eastern Blvd., Middle River, MD 21220
Public Informational Meeting: April 30, 2008 at 7 p.m.
Middle River Volunteer Fire Hall
1100 Wilson Point Road, Middle River, MD 21220
Any persons wishing to request further information or make comments regarding the proposed RAP must do so in writing. Comments or requests should be submitted to the attention of the Voluntary Cleanup Program project managers, Gary Schold or Richelle Hanson, at the Maryland Department of the Environment, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 625, Baltimore, Maryland, 21230; telephone 410-537-3493.
All comments and requests must be received by the Department in writing no later than May 22, 2008.
= = = =
Well, the meeting is only a few days away, and I already have 2 commitments, but I will pass this on (besides to my blog readers, if any). Not really much of a disclosure, but: I worked at MDE for 17 years. That was over 10 years ago now.
Near the sign, on the way back home, I sat and waited for the 10AM Acela train run. My patience was rewarded with this shot, on its way to Google Earth

A guy in a Cooper Mini was acting strangely at the traffic light at the end of MD 43, backing up and waving. Turns out he spotted a row of ducks crossing the busy highway, and was trying to protect them from being run over. I grabbed my camera and got 4 shots, but they were moving fast and the little ones were well camouflaged while in the tall grass. Cute once they got in the water. Thumbs up to the animal lover!
The final trash haul today, except for a gas cap that hid in my pack until later.

hike view per google maps and panoramio
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